AJ & Leead's Wedding - Queen Elizabeth Hall, Oldham, Manchester

AJ and Leead celebrated their amazing wedding at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in Oldham, Manchester.

As a wedding photographer based in Manchester - and specifically Prestwich - I get to photograph a lot of Jewish weddings, from the more religious, to the less so.

Starting the day early with Leead at her bridal prep in Prestwich – all two minutes away from where I grew up in Broughton Park – I knew we’d be in for a good day just by the relaxed, fun atmosphere at her prep.

Then it was over to AJ – also a whole two minutes away from where I grew up – before heading back to the bride before she made her way to the venue.

And that’s where the fun really picked up another gear, with a beautiful ceremony held outside under the chuppah, completely surrounded by hundreds of family and friends.

Indeed, you know you’re in for a good night when the jubilant friends of the happy couple have to be physically held back and stopped from dancing all around the bride and groom, so they can actually get to their ‘Yichud’ room (a Jewish wedding tradition whereby the couple spend a few minutes alone in a room together immediately after the wedding ceremony).

But its these moments that end up defining such days and living on in memories, and is exactly the kind of moment I love to capture in my photographs.

After some portraits of the bride and groom together, and after doing the biggest family group shot of my career to date – no less than 70+ participants – then it was on to the proper celebrations….and what celebrations!

Those of you that have never been to a Jewish wedding may not appreciate just how crazy the dancefloor action can get, and AJ and Leead’s wedding was a prime example….from the spinning, to the jumping, to the skipping, to the chairs up in the air, to the badminton whilst stood on tables which themselves were held aloft, to throwing the groom up in the air using a sheet, to bursting confetti-filled balloons. All in all, a whole lot of fun.

And here for your viewing pleasure is but a small taster from the big day….another huge congrats to the newlyweds!